Welcome to ECVC at UVA Law

  • ECVC

    Emerging Companies attorneys are corporate generalists for the clients and can serve as “outside general counsel” for startup clients before the clients are large enough to hire in-house attorneys. They work with founders to choose the best corporate form and draft the appropriate forms to create the company. Start-up lawyers help develop a company’s internal policies and procedures and serve as corporate secretaries.

  • Private Equity

    Private equity law deals with company assets that cannot be traded publicly in the stock exchange. They work with some very influential private equity investors and are expected to provide sound legal advice on all aspects of a deal as well as displaying their commercial expertise. Private equity lawyers spend every day working for clients in the financial market and should be able to solve business problems.

  • M&A

    M&A attorneys represent companies that are the acquirers or the targets in acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, minority investments, spinoffs and other similar transactions. Some attorneys in this practice area focus on either acquirers or targets, or on deals involving either public or private companies, while others work broadly across many types of transactions.

The Virginia Law Emerging Companies and Venture Capital Society

is dedicated to providing resources to law students interested in emerging companies and venture capital as well as those who want to learn more about corporate law generally. The society supports entrepreneurial initiatives across Grounds and offers a unique opportunity for law students to network with students from other UVA schools who share these interests.